Dial-Up Your Life Philosophy

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Dial-Up Your Life Philosophy

It's not nostalgia we seek, but real answers. The difference between the 1990's and now can be described in many ways, but to understand why it all matters there is a simple lifestyle you can impose on yourself.

The modern threat is the act of browsing. The more we browse, the more the paradox of choice sets in, and the fear of missing out. Browsing both content and comments affects the mind in a way that causes a withdrawal from long form content. In order to reactivate appreciation for long form content, a person must totally abstain from the act of browsing content, the act of watching short form content, and the act of reading comments or leaving comments. This is a major component to Dialing-Up your life, this restriction will leave you wondering what to do next.

Physical Media Only Lifestyle is naturally what comes next, since you cannot browse content online any longer. You can go thrifting, garage sales, Kijiji (Local online market), pawn shops, Ebay, ect. It is extremely fun to build a physical media collection, and it takes very little space if arranged in more conservative ways. When shopping for physical media, I recommend buying something just because the cover looks cool. Explore not only new genres, but eras. Enjoy vinyl, cassettes, black and white films, silent films, films shot on film,

There are music types that are not permitted, and it almost all has to do with time of release. Have a pile of mixed CD's from thrifting, every morning pop in a new CD with only slight discernment. The music creates a din in your life that begins to aid with both memory generation, idea formation and recall. There is a feature on some receivers called Night Mode, which lowers to total dynamic range of sound. I frequently use Night Mode at night, because total environmental sound reflection is lowered, which makes wildly shifting ranges of sound disturbing to one's concentration.

Next you want to control lighting in your environment 100%. Maximizing sunlight and privacy as much as possible, as well as completely removing LED lighting whenever possible for general lighting purposes. Overhead lights and lamps should all contain an incandescent light. Incandescent Light Benefits in 1996 white led light came into existence, and its propagation has been largely propaganda based. Banning Incandescent Bulbs is woke math, besides saving energy and different heat disappition, an LED offers nothing that you need. The simplest way to test this method is to change the bulbs in one room, and see how it makes you feel.

Maximize your grip strength, this one exercise can be achieved in many ways. Grip strength improves your belief in yourself and your own ideas.