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The Fusion of Real and Virtual Worlds: Adding Your Pets to Maps and Its Resonance with Among Us
In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, the lines between reality and virtuality continue to blur. One recent phenomenon that epitomizes this fusion is the integration of personal pets into mapping applications, a trend that finds an unexpected resonance with the popular online game Among Us. While seemingly disparate, both phenomena share common threads in their facilitation of social interaction, personalization, and the exploration of virtual spaces.
= Gain companionship when mapping =
It may be wise to hide or prominently feature your furry companions in the map. Seeing them during the design process can really help lift the spirits and give motivation when mapping.
The addition of pets to mapping applications, such as Google Maps, represents a novel way of personalizing one's digital environment. Users can now upload images of their beloved pets to be displayed alongside their navigation routes or favorite locations, adding a touch of warmth and familiarity to an otherwise utilitarian tool. This integration not only reflects the growing importance of pets in people's lives but also serves as a testament to the desire for personalization and emotional connection in the digital realm.
I have been adding my cat, Jane, to all of my maps in hidden places, but also outside spawn during development.
[[File:JaneTheCat.png|thumb|jane the cat inside my map]]
Adding your animal is very easy, follow these steps!
Similarly, Among Us, a multiplayer online game that skyrocketed in popularity, capitalizes on the essence of social interaction within a virtual space. Players are tasked with identifying impostors among their crewmates aboard a spaceship, leading to intense rounds of deduction, deception, and teamwork. The game's success lies not only in its engaging gameplay mechanics but also in its ability to foster social bonds and create shared experiences among players from around the world.
1) Take a picture of your animal using your favorite camera (or camera phone, for those who are more modern than I!)
At first glance, the connection between adding pets to maps and playing Among Us may seem tenuous. However, both phenomena tap into the fundamental human need for connection and self-expression within virtual environments. In Among Us, players customize their characters with various hats, outfits, and pets, allowing them to express their individuality and forge unique identities within the game. Similarly, the integration of pets into mapping applications offers users a means of personalizing their digital space, infusing it with elements of their real-world lives and identities.
2) Scale/crop the image to be a power-of-two (square number)... Save it as a .jpg
Moreover, both trends underscore the growing importance of user-generated content and customization in shaping digital experiences. In Among Us, players can create their own custom game modes, maps, and even mods, allowing for endless creativity and innovation within the community. Similarly, the ability to add pets to maps empowers users to tailor their digital environment according to their preferences and interests, transforming static maps into dynamic reflections of their lives and personalities.
3) Import the image into VTF EDIT (https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/VTFEdit)
Furthermore, the convergence of real and virtual worlds in these phenomena highlights the increasingly fluid nature of identity and space in the digital age. Just as players navigate the virtual corridors of a spaceship in Among Us, they can now chart their real-world journeys on digital maps adorned with images of their pets, blurring the boundaries between physical and virtual landscapes. In this way, both trends offer glimpses into a future where the distinctions between the real and the virtual become increasingly blurred, opening up new possibilities for expression, connection, and exploration.
Very important that you chose import to go from the jpg image and SAVE to go to vtf.
In conclusion, the integration of pets into mapping applications and the popularity of Among Us represent two seemingly disparate phenomena that nevertheless share common themes of personalization, social interaction, and the blurring of real and virtual worlds. Both trends offer insights into the evolving nature of digital experiences and the ways in which technology can facilitate connections, creativity, and self-expression. As we continue to navigate the ever-expanding frontier of the digital age, these phenomena serve as reminders of the profound impact that technology can have on our lives, both real and virtual.
4) Save it to the location you want eg. "D:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/pirates, vikings and knights ii/sdkbase_pvkii/materials/mrmapper/jane_cat.vtf" WITHOUT QUOTES.
5) Make a .vmt file next to the VTF with the following content ( '''CALL IT THE SAME NAME AS THE VTF''' )
"$basetexture" "mrmapper/jane_cat"
6) Restart Hammer World Editor and Use the material in the world!
I hope this helps some of you.
''I have some older maps with some pets of mine that have sadly passed away, I really enjoy visiting those old maps to be with them again.''
===== - Mr Mapper. =====
Latest revision as of 21:44, 5 February 2024
Gain companionship when mapping
It may be wise to hide or prominently feature your furry companions in the map. Seeing them during the design process can really help lift the spirits and give motivation when mapping.
I have been adding my cat, Jane, to all of my maps in hidden places, but also outside spawn during development.
jane the cat inside my map
Adding your animal is very easy, follow these steps!
1) Take a picture of your animal using your favorite camera (or camera phone, for those who are more modern than I!)
2) Scale/crop the image to be a power-of-two (square number)... Save it as a .jpg
Very important that you chose import to go from the jpg image and SAVE to go to vtf.
4) Save it to the location you want eg. "D:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/pirates, vikings and knights ii/sdkbase_pvkii/materials/mrmapper/jane_cat.vtf" WITHOUT QUOTES.
5) Make a .vmt file next to the VTF with the following content ( CALL IT THE SAME NAME AS THE VTF )