Renaissance and WW1 Competency

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There is a movie named A Little Princess , and it's the best movie I've ever seen. It perfectly depicts how culture spreads and how culture dies. The movie is difficult for me to watch, because the protagonist Sara has tremendous parallels to my own life. Sara is thrown into a group home setting with children her age, and because all the children have different issues to work through, Sara becomes a beacon of light to them. However little does anyone understand, Sara has the biggest issue of all time waiting for her. Sara loses her father to WW1, she is now the sole progenitor of her family's culture.

WW1 to me is the Great Lie or the Great Mystery more than a Great War. The men who participated were intelligent beyond my regular faculties. At 36 I began to learn calculus, and it was my first insight into how far behind intellectually I was to people from 500 AD like Pythagoras, or the Renaissance with Leonardo, or the 1800's with Tesla. I can finally grasp what I do not know, and this has unlocked for me to understand that I think historians also do not understand these eras I've mentioned, because to understand them you have to be more than a historian.

Why would someone in WW1, between 1914-1918, risk everything? These are me who had what we yearn for in the present day. They had good wives, good families, they built their own house, their mother and fathers acted as grandparents, they had a tremendous level of competency and composure.

The dark truth I think is that these men could not be defeated unless they were pitted all against themselves. There is no government that even needed to exist to manage these men, they were fully capable of managing all of their own affairs.

I am the result of being raised without consideration. Fathers in the early 18th century had more to teach their children than what could be done in 40 years, the information transfer was tremendous. I have had to teach myself with only my own devices, and me recognizing this is why I became a philosopher. I have to work to remove the pathologies in myself, so that I can shine bright for my children. I don't want children raising themselves or being raised by other children. A beautiful child may seem capable of being a good influence to other children in need; but nothing comes free and one can become dull when sharpening another.

Aptitude and discipline are two qualities