Optimal rules for a mapping contests.
Talk to God about what your wish to accomplish before you begin Having a useful purpose.
Starting With Authentic Restrictions
Choose a paradigm
Create a Legrange-Point
Decide on your footstep sounds early Footstep-Texture-Theory
Explain your map for others to understand, Dario
Imagine if your map was foisted, what would the hypothetical reaction?
Do you have a tree in your map? Consider trying the bombtree philosophy.
Consider designing-up so your creation is intentional and minimal as needed
Enhance your creativity with Environmental-Storytelling
You don't have to reinvent the wheel if you need gameplay ideas Identifying-Map-Elements
Here is a list of elemental paradigms, and how to derive your own. Identifying-Map-Paradigms
Decide on your lighting style Low Key Lighting
Refer to notes.